2008-03-14 |
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Independent volume in Hungarian:
Kállai Ernő: Local Gypsy self-governments in Hungary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Ethnic and National Minorities - Gondolat Kiadói Kör, Budapest, 2005, 204 p.
Edited volumes in Hungarian:
Kállai Ernő (ed.): The situation of the Hungarian Gypsy population at the start of the 21st century. Research flash report. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Ethnic and National Minorities, 2003, 145 p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): The Age of Reorganisation. A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002 - 2006. EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, 220 p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2004: Stagnation, EOKIK, Budapest, 2005, 203. p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary. 2003: Illusory politics and standing still, EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, 220 p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002. A year of changes, promises and expectations. Public Foundation for European Comparative Minority Research, 2003, 100 p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök E. (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary, Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, p. 89 p.
Edited volumes in foreign languages:
Kállai Ernő (ed.): The Gypsies/the Roma in Hungarian Society, Teleki László Foundation, 2002, 177 p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): The Age of Reorganization. A Roma's Life in Hungary. Report between 2002 and 2006. EOKIK, Budapest, 2006, 165. p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's Life in Hungary. Report 2004. Stagnation. EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, 163. p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök E. (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002: A year of changes, promises and expectations. EOKIK, Budapest, 2003, 100 p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's Life in Hungary. Report 2003: Illusory politics and standing still, EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, 218 p.
Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's Life in Hungary, Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, 99 p.
Papers and contributions in Hungarian language:
Kállai Ernő: On the living situation and rights of minorities. In: Trócsányi László (ed.): Our constitution. Opinions and Analyses of Hungary's Constitution. Pp. 430-434.
Kállai Ernő: The government's Roma policy in the past four years. In: Kállai Ernő - Törzsök Erika (eds.): The Age of Reorganisation. A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002-2006. pp. 187-203.
A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in the period 2002-2006. In: Kállai Ernő - Törzsök Erika (eds.): The Age of Reorganisation. A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002-2006. pp. 13- 56.
Kállai Ernő: First experiment to construct a conflict model for Roma and non-Roma cohabitation. In: Kovács Nóra - Osvát Anna - Szarka László (eds.): Ethnic identity and political loyalty. National and civic ties. Space and Ground 4. Budapest, Balassi Kiadó, 2005. pp. 150-163.
Kállai Ernő: A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in 2002. In: A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2004. EOKIK. 2005. pp. 5-40.
Kállai Ernő: Some experience of the operation of the local Gypsy minority self-governments in Hungary. "... I pull the cart and they push it, if necessary ..." In: A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2004. EOKIK. 2005. pp. 130-157.
Kállai Ernő: Local Gypsy minority self-governments in Hungary. In: Pro Minoritate 2005/summer 110-140.
Kállai Ernő: Minority self-governments, In: Deszpot G., Diósi Á. (eds.): On their feet. Knowledge of the Gypsies for the Gypsies, Fővárosi Tegyesz/Önkonet Kft, 2004, pp. 114-126.
Kállai Ernő: A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in 2003, In: Kállai E., Törzsök E. (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary Report 2003: Illusory politics and standing still, EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, pp. 10-40.
Kállai Ernő: Events in society and politics, In: Kállai E., Törzsök E. (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary Report 2003: Illusory politics and standing still, EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, pp. 126-132.
Kállai Ernő: Operational experiences and need for changes to local Gypsy minority self-governments, In: Kovács Nóra, Osvát Anna, Szarka László (eds.): Space and Ground. Studies on questions of ethnicity and identity. III. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2004, pp. 227-252.
Kállai Ernő: Gypsy minority self-governments in Hungary - research flash report, In: Kállai E. (ed.): The situation of the Hungarian Gypsy population at the start of the 21st century. Research flash report. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Ethnic and National Minorities Research Institute, 2003, pp. 27-91.
Kállai Ernő: Government initiatives 2002: a year of elections, changes and expectations. In: Kállai E. (ed.): A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002. A year of changes, promises and expectations, Public Foundation for European Comparative Minority Research, 2003, pp. 92-99.
Kállai Ernő: A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in 2002. In: Kállai E. (ed.) A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002. A year of changes, promises and expectations. EOKIK, Budapest, 2003, pp. 8-28.
Kállai Ernő: The development of the Gypsy and non-Gypsy population in the area studied by the Gypsy Minority Self-Government research, In: Kovács Nóra, Szarka László (eds.): Space and Ground. Studies on questions of ethnicity and identity, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2003, pp. 149-162.
Kállai Ernő: National minority census data - Roma, In: Kovács Nóra, Szarka László (eds.): Space and Ground. Studies on questions of ethnicity and identity, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2003, pp. 293-298.
Kállai Ernő: The place and role of Gypsy musicians in Hungarian society and Hungarian culture, In: Kovács Nóra, Szarka László (eds.): Space and Ground. Studies on questions of ethnicity and identity, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2002, pp. 327-345.
Kállai Ernő: Gypsy self-governments in Hungary, In: Reisz T., Andor M. (eds.): Social studies of the Gypsies, Iskolakultúra, 2002, pp. 90-100.
Kállai Ernő: Gypsy musicians, In: Kováts András (ed.): Roma migration, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Minority Research Institute-International migration and Refugee Research Centre, 2002, pp. 72-90.
Kállai Ernő: Roma entrepreneurs, In: Kovalcsik K. (ed.): Studies on the social situation and culture of the Gypsies, BTF-IFA-MKM, 2002.
Kállai Ernő: Magaura Gypsies, Beszélő, III. folyam, VI. évfolyam (2. szám), 66-74. (2001)
Kállai Ernő: Roma entrepreneurs in 1998, In: Kemény István (ed.): Gypsies/Roma and the invisible economy, AKM-Osiris, 2000, pp. 38-80.
Kállai Ernő: The history of the Gypsies from 1945 to the present, In: Kemény István (ed.): The Hungarian Roma. Útmutató Kiadó, 2000, pp. 16-24.
Kállai Ernő, Szuhay Péter: Exceptional personalities, In: Kemény István (ed.): The Hungarian Roma, Útmutató Kiadó, 2000, pp. 121-127.
Kállai Ernő: The Roma and research on the Roma, In: Böszörményi J., Józsa M. (eds.): The Roma question caught in the trap of integration, Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 54-58.
Kállai Ernő: Gypsy musicians and their opportunities abroad, Mozgó Világ, 26. évfolyam (10), 96-101 (2000)
Kállai Ernő: The history of the Gypsies from 1945 to the change of regime and after the change of regime, In: Kállai E., Törzsök E. (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary, Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 11-16.
Kállai Ernő: Music, In: Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary, Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 64-67.
Kállai Ernő: Government and political initiatives, In: Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): A Roma's life in Hungary, Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 71-81.
Kállai Ernő: The operation of a Gypsy minority self-government, In: Csefkó F., Pálné Kovács I. (eds.): Minority self-governments in Hungary, 1994-1998, Osiris-Hungarian Academy of Sciences Minority Research Workshop - Hungarian Academy of Sciences Regional Research Centre, 1999, pp. 300-307.
Kállai Ernő: Roma in the media - by way of introduction, Regio, 10. évfolyam(1), 218-220 (1999)
Kállai Ernő: The operation of the Abony Gypsy minority self-government, Regio, 9. évfolyam (4), 99-110 (1998)
Kállai Ernő: The Gypsies and legal protection, Kisebbségkutatás, 7. évfolyam (3. szám), 383-384 (1998)
Papers and contributions in foreign languages:
Kállai Ernő: Legislation and Government Programs Relating to the Roma Population in Hungary since the Political Changes of 1989-90. In: Kemény István (ed.): Roma of Hungary. Columbia University Press, New York, 2005. 288-334. p.
Kállai Ernő: Magaura Roma. Roma Entrepreneurs in 1998. In: Kemény István (ed.): Roma of Hungary. Columbia University Press, New York, 2005. 247-272.p.
Kállai Ernő: The government's Roma policy in the past four years. In: Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): The Age of Reorganization. A Roma's Life in Hungary. Report between 2002 and 2006. EOKIK, Budapest, 2006. pp. 148-165.
Kállai Ernő: A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in 2002 - 2006. In: Kállai Ernő, Törzsök Erika (eds.): The Age of Reorganization. A Roma's Life in Hungary. Report between 2002 and 2006. EOKIK, Budapest, 2006. pp. 13-58.
Kállai Ernő: Some experience about the operation of local Roma self-governments in Hungary. "... I pull the cart and they push it, if necessary ..." In: A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2004: Stagnation, (eds. Kállai E., Törzsök E.), EOKIK, Budapest, 2005. pp. 137-163.
Kállai Ernő: A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in 2004. In: A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2004: Stagnation, (eds. Kállai E., Törzsök E.), EOKIK, Budapest, 2005. pp.9-45.
Kállai Ernő: Legislation and Government Programs Relating to the Roma Population in Hungary since the Political Changes of 1989-90 In: István Kemény (ed.): Roma of Hungary. 2005.
Kállai Ernő: Magaura Roma. Roma Entrepreneurs in 1998 In: István Kemény (ed.): Roma of Hungary. 2005.
Kállai Ernő: A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in 2003. In: A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2003: Illusory politics and standing still, (eds. Kállai E., Törzsök E.), EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, pp. 11-43.
Kállai Ernő: Events in Government, Politics and Society, In: A Roma's Life in Hungary. Report 2003: Illusory Politics and Standing Still, (eds. Kállai E, Törzsök E), EOKIK, Budapest, 2004, pp. 138-144.
Kállai Ernő: A chronological digest of events affecting the Roma of Hungary in 2002. In: A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002: a year of changes, promises and expectations, (eds. Kállai E., Törzsök E.), EOKIK, Budapest, 2003, pp. 9-32.
Kállai Ernő: Government initiatives in 2002: a year of elections, changes and expectations. In: A Roma's life in Hungary. Report 2002: a year of changes, promises and expectations, (eds. Kállai E., Törzsök E.), EOKIK, Budapest, 2003, pp. 106-113.
Kállai Ernő: The Hungarian Roma Population during the Last-Half Century, In: The Gypsies/The Roma in Hungarian Society, (ed. Kállai E), Teleki László Foundation, 2002, pp. 35-50.
Kállai Ernő: Gypsy Musicians, In: Roma Migration, (ed. Kováts A), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Minority Research Institute-International Migration and Refugee Research Centre, 2002, pp. 75-96.
Kállai Ernő: History of the Gypsies of Hungary, In: Europe in - Sight, (eds. Ambrus D, Harkányi L), Pillar Foundation, 2002, pp. 193-198.
Kállai Ernő: Music, In: Europe in - Sight, (eds. Ambrus D, Harkányi L), Pillar Foundation, 2002, pp. 233-236.
Kállai Ernő: The Situation of the Roma in Hungary on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hungary, 2001, 32 p.
Kállai Ernő: La Situation Des Tsiganes De Hongrie Au Seuil Du Troisiéme Millénaire, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hungary, 2001, 32 p.
Kállai Ernő: Die Lage der Roma in Ungarn zu Beginn des 3. Jahrtausends, Ministerium für Auswartige Angelegenheiten, 2001, p. 32 p.
Kállai Ernő: The Roma and research on the Roma, In: Caught in the Trap of Integration, (eds. Böszörményi J, Józsa M), Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 54-58.
Kállai Ernő: History of the Gypsies from 1945 to the 1989 change in regime, In: A Roma's Life in Hungary, (eds. Kállai E., Törzsök E.), Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 13-20.
Kállai Ernő: Legislative and policy initiatives, In: A Roma's Life in Hungary, (eds. Kállai E., Törzsök E.), Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 79-86.
Kállai Ernő: Music, In: A Roma's Life in Hungary, (eds. Kállai E, Törzsök E), Bureau for European Comparative Minority Research, 2000, pp. 72-75.